DSP Dive Communication System for UK Diving institute

Imenco were approached to provide diving bell communications for a new UK based diving training facility. This system included fully integrated emergency through water communications, and full redundancy for dive control with a switchover unit.
Description of solution:
The Nautronix DSP Helium Speech Unscrambler is a fully digital design and utilises the latest and most modern processing systems to provide the highest speech intelligibility.
The physical properties of the high pressure Heliox (helium-oxygen) atmosphere produce significant changes in the speech generation mechanism for a resident diver, which at deeper depths results in largely unintelligible speech.
Modules are available for wet diver, dry diver, tender control, power, entertainment, record and unscrambler. Full control of the system is provided via the tender module, where communication ‘groups’ are set up. A group can consist of any number of modules, and allows divers at different depths to communicate clearly.
Other innovative features include a design with no electronics at the diver end, noise and electrical pick-up cancelling circuitry, built in breathing noise reduction, and full integration to the Imenco Nautronix Emergency Through Water Communication System.
With a 30 year track record, Imenco DSP Dive Communication Systems are considered market leaders in terms of intelligibility, functionality, reliability, and supportability.